Simone Vignola interviewed by Aldea Musical, radio station from Miami (US). Here you can find the podcast: https://www.mixcloud.com/AldeaMusic…/170-simone-vignola-ita/ The interview is both in English and Spanish. Enjoy it!
Simone Vignola interviewed by Aldea Musical, radio station from Miami (US). Here you can find the podcast: https://www.mixcloud.com/AldeaMusic…/170-simone-vignola-ita/ The interview is both in English and Spanish. Enjoy it!
“The Time Flows” is the second single taken from from “Somewhere“. Out now the official videoclip!
PH. Nik Soric Photographer © 2015 Areasonica Records | Cover photo: Angelo Pecoraro Bassista, cantante e polistrumentista, Miglior Bassista Europeo Under 35 all’EuroBassDay nel 2008, Miglior Looper Italiano al BOSSLoop nel 2010, rappresentanza per Roland Italia al NAMM 2011 di Los Angeles: a soli 28 anni non ancora compiuti, Simone Vignola vanta già riconoscimenti e […]
New album “SOMEWHERE” out on JULY 14th 2015… SAVE THE DATE!
Simone Vignola’s 4th CD “Somewhere” will be out very soon for the Italian label Areasonica Records. Other info coming soon!