Simone Vignola
Bassist | Singer-Songwriter | Looperman | Producer – Official Website
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Simone Vignola "live-full-band"

SIMONE VIGNOLA “Live-Full-Band” Live @ CONTESTACCIO•Via di Monte Testaccio 65b•ROMA Line up: Simone Vignola – Basso elettrico, Voce Giovanni Raucci – Chitarra elettrica Mirko Nastri – Chitarra elettrica Corrado d’Amato – Batteria, Drum Machines, Cori Avellinese classe ’87, Simone Vignola ha all’attivo due album (Going to the Next Level, 2010 – Sulla Luna, 2013) e […]

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For the first time Simone Vignola in Band! Sunday 1st September 2013 Simone will play in Manocalzati (AV) and will present the new show called “Live-Full-Band”. Simone and his band will play all new songs taken from the new album out soon with this new exciting live set. The new CD recordings will start in […]